2023 年 4 月 12 日,中国上海——礼邦医药(Alebund Pharmaceuticals)宣布完成近 2 亿元人民币 Pre-C 轮融资。本轮参与方包括扬州国金投资、江苏鼎信资本、扬州龙川控股、某国际知名主权基金、礼来亚洲基金、泉创资本、三正健康投资、Octagon Capital、Verition Fund 等。

作为聚焦肾病新药研发的行业先行者,礼邦医药拥有一支经验丰富的研发团队,致力于多个拥有全球权益产品的开发。本轮募集资金将全部用于公司研发管线推进。目前,礼邦已有 3 个一类新药分别处于 Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ 期临床研发阶段;在未来两年,预计还有 1-2 个自主研发的产品进入临床阶段。

与此同步,礼邦医药也完成了 8 亿人民币银团贷款的授信签约。这部分授信资金将保证礼邦医药在江苏扬州的小分子生产基地的顺利建设,配合公司未来产品商业化进程。

礼邦医药联合创始人、董事长兼首席执行官夏国尧博士表示:“自公司成立以来,礼邦的研发和运营能力已充分验证,并持续得到投资机构和金融机构的认可。公司将继续快速推动产品临床研发、产业化和商业化上市,使礼邦的新药能尽早惠及患者;与此同时,礼邦医药也会尽快启动公司 IPO 的进程,回报股东和各方机构的长期支持。”


2018 年初,礼邦医药由最顶尖的肾脏病领域行业领导者孵化于中国上海,目前是一家处于临床阶段的生物制药公司,主要致力于肾脏病以及其他相关慢性疾病的创新药物发现和开发,为慢性肾脏病及相关疾病患者提供更佳临床治疗方案。礼邦医药已经建立起了丰富且均衡的肾脏病新药产品管线,包括针对慢性肾病(CKD)/透析并发症、IgA 肾病、糖尿病肾病、常染色体显性多囊肾病(ADPKD)等产品,公司在研产品包括小分子药物和生物制剂。

Important Notice

Recently, it has come to our attention that certain individuals that have impersonated 3H to publish fake and misleading information and carry out illegal activities such as financing and capital raising via websites, apps and other channels.

3H hereby declares:

1.“三正健康”, “三正健康投资”, “3H HEALTH”, “3H”, “3h partner”, “3h health”are all legally registered by our company (including our affiliated parties), and shall not be used illegally by anyone without our permission.

2.3H official contact information is as follows. If you have any further questions, please visit our official website or call +86 21 6107 2498

a.Official Website: www.3hhinvestment.com;

b.Official WeChat Account: 3H Health Investment (WeChat ID: 三正健康投资)

c.Official LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/company/3h-health-investment-management/

3.3H Health Investment has never authorized and will never authorize any entity or individual to conduct any public fundraising activities in the name of 3H Health through any channels such as websites, apps, WeChat, and Weibo.

All individuals and groups participating in the above activities are involved in illegal capital raising. We disclaim any legal or commercial relationships thereof. These illegal activities have seriously damaged 3H’s reputation, and we reserve the right to take legal actions against the above-mentioned entities and individuals. Please stay alert to false information to avoid any financial loss.