龙行龘龘,欣欣家国,甲辰龙年踏歌而来,在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,铖联科技来到中东迪拜,用一场口腔数字化盛宴为龙年新春献礼。2月6日-2月8日,中东年度最大的牙科、口腔会议和展览 AEEDC DUBAI2024在阿联酋迪拜世界贸易中心盛大开幕,铖联科技重装参展,带来全流程数字化齿科解决方案。





AEEDC DUBAI 2024,是铖联科技2024年参加的首场展会,为新一年国际化进程取得良好开端。未来,铖联科技将坚定全球化战略布局,以先进的科技赋能全球义齿工厂,与合作伙伴一起共创美好未来。

Important Notice

Recently, it has come to our attention that certain individuals that have impersonated 3H to publish fake and misleading information and carry out illegal activities such as financing and capital raising via websites, apps and other channels.

3H hereby declares:

1.“三正健康”, “三正健康投资”, “3H HEALTH”, “3H”, “3h partner”, “3h health”are all legally registered by our company (including our affiliated parties), and shall not be used illegally by anyone without our permission.

2.3H official contact information is as follows. If you have any further questions, please visit our official website or call +86 21 6107 2498

a.Official Website: www.3hhinvestment.com;

b.Official WeChat Account: 3H Health Investment (WeChat ID: 三正健康投资)

c.Official LinkedIn Account: https://www.linkedin.com/company/3h-health-investment-management/

3.3H Health Investment has never authorized and will never authorize any entity or individual to conduct any public fundraising activities in the name of 3H Health through any channels such as websites, apps, WeChat, and Weibo.

All individuals and groups participating in the above activities are involved in illegal capital raising. We disclaim any legal or commercial relationships thereof. These illegal activities have seriously damaged 3H’s reputation, and we reserve the right to take legal actions against the above-mentioned entities and individuals. Please stay alert to false information to avoid any financial loss.